You might as well just be BURNING your Money

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To see an example of websites that actually work click here



In business there are a million things that compete for your time. The trick is to focus on the most important first. I have found that a company’s website is one of those most important things, because so many potential customers decide whether to use you based solely on how your website looks.

For a very small investment of your time we can make your website ROCK!

I was on youtube and I found this video where someone burns a crisp genuine 100 dollar bill. Check it out. By the way I am pretty sure that burning US currency is illegal but the reason I wanted to show you this video was because if are a business owner and you have a website that is subpar, or broken, less effective or not producing sales then its likely that you’re doing the same thing as this guy on youtube. You’re just wasting your money!  Now what exactly is a broken website. Well most websites are suppose to persuade your prospective clients to take action . . . to either buy your product, or call your company, or something like that.

If you are not absolutely certain that your website is producing more leads and more sales than your competitors’s websites then you need to fix it and the longer you put it off, the more money you are going waste and the more sales you are going to lose.
If your website needs improvement or if you don’t have a website than you need to call SNAP Solutions.

If you don’t have a website when you call us we will find out what you are trying to accomplish and then develop a website that will do exactly what you want it to.

If you already have a website but you don’t think your site is producing as much as it could be, then when you call us the first thing we will do is install on your current website a very powerful analytics package. This analytics package will help us to see how well your website is working and it will help us come up with ideas on how to make your website work even better.

Then after we get analytics installed on your current website, a highly trained SNAP expert can analyze your website and using both his expertise and the data from the analytics package we will provide an ongoing list of improvements for your website.

And then beyond providing a list of things that you can or should do, we can actually make the changes for you. What kinds of changes would we recommend. Well it might be that you need to add a promotional video that that introduces your products or services. A video is a great way for a website to stand out and to get SEO Ranking. We might include a video that explains your company’s guarantee or warrantee policy. We might match all the colors on your site so that they are mathematically harmonized. We might organize your content so that your site doesn’t look like a teenager’s room.  We might strengthen your call to action or we might simplify your ordering process.  We might move your contact number into a more prominent location.. There’s a long list of the possible improvements we could make but it really depends on how well your site is working vs how well it could be working.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a site or if you want to improve an existing website, the bottom line is that if you call SNAP, when we are finished, you will have a website that looks great and works great.

There are two types of people who watch this video. The first type will know that what I have said is a good idea, they know that they should put some resources into improving their website, but then, for some reason they just won’t take action. Maybe they think they’re too busy or they are afraid of the cost or time commitment. Whatever the reason, the result is always the same. Every person who fails to take action will never improve their website and will likely never experience the type of explosive growth that might have been.

And then there is a second type of person. This is the person also sees the value and the need for improvement, but then this person takes action. They call us. We do whatever it takes to improve their website. Over just a short period of time their website starts to dramatically increase its conversion capability. Their business growth starts to accelerate. Because their new websites is effective and automated, these people incidentally have more spare time, more money, more free mental capacity.

Action is the foundational key to all success and inaction is the common thread of all failure.

If you are the type of person who wants to take action. Call this number. 970.712.5601

Call us right now, day or night. If we don’t answer, leave a message. If you wait, you increase your chances of becoming the type of person who never acts and you incidentally increase the chances that your website will remain stagnant, less effective or, just not the best. Call Now.