The only thing you should focus on if you want to grow your company

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I know you want to grow your company. Let me share a story that may prove very helpful. I have a friend and a mentor who has a homebuilding company that does over a billion dollars in revenue each year. That’s billions with a B. The way that this individual grew his home building company so large is by asking one simple question. This question will also help you if you ask it. The question he asked was this, what is my limiting constraint? You see this friend of mine realized that if he could sell 80 houses but could only build 60, then his limiting constraint was production and so his efforts should be focused on enhancing production capability. If he improved his systems of production, to the point where he could now build 100 homes but he could still only sell 80, then sales would become him limiting constraint.

What is your company’s limiting constraint? What is stopping you from going to the next level? Is it sales, production, customer service, support, product quality or are you company’s constraint? If you can identify your limiting constraint, and then improve and strengthen that area, your company will grow. If you focus on anything other than your limiting constraint, your efforts will be a total, utter and complete waste of your time. Thats a strong statement so let me elaborate. Back to my friends company. If that company could build 100 homes but could only sell 80 homes, then applying company efforts to perfecting systems of productions wouldn’t help. No matter how much they improved production, the company would still only be able to produce 80 homes, because the limiting constraint is sales not production. Your company will always be limited to its weakest link. Sometimes the limiting constraint is the owner of the company. I have seen many companies where the owner is going 90 miles an hour, working 60, 70 even 80 a week trying to do everything. Everything depends on the owner, and since he or she only has so many hours in a day, his or her company will be limited by his or her limited time.

My goal, is to help you grow your company. SNAP Solutions has developed a ton of resources that could help you.

If your limited constraint is sales then we have tools that could help you increase sales production.

If your limiting constraint is production, then we have tools of productivity and systems development.

If your limiting constraint is management, we have tools that can help you enhance employee performance in both quantity and quality.

We have a long list of tools related to organizational growth but the first step is for you to take a closer look at your company and really figure out two things: What is your main goal and what is your most imminent limiting constraint.

We can help you identify and document both of these items. We offer a consultation and then afterwards we develop what we call a CGS-or comprehensive growth strategy. This Growth Strategy or CGS will clearly identify your organization main goal, and then it will lay out a clear, detailed and a well organized plan for how to achieve that goal.

Do you know exactly what your strategic objective is? Does everyone in your organization know what it is? Do you have a detailed plan for how to achieve that objective? Is your plan documented so as to allow others to help you? Do you know exactly what is holding your back and stopping you from going to the next level?  If you answered no to any of these questions then I promise, a SNAP Consultation would be immensely beneficial to you!

My name is Spencer Christensen. I am the owner of SNAP Business Solutions.  My team has helped many companies just like yours accelerate their growth and go to the next level. I have worked with many companies here in the United States and the United Kingdom. If feel that I may be helpful or if you would like to find out more about how we can help, then give me a call or send me an email.

I love and admire the entrepreneurial spirit and appreciate the drive of free economy, and I wish you all the best in your efforts and if there is ever anything I can do to help, please contact me!