Pay Per Click Management



pay per click road sign illustration design If you have a website which has already helped you land some sales, then its possible to start producing a lot more sales, very quickly, simply by running paid traffic to the site. Paid traffic or PPC is the absolute fastest way to get traffic on your website.

Here’s how it works. Many super popular websites like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Facebook leverage their high traffic volume by allowing other companies, like yours, to display ads on their website and then they only charge you if someone actually clicks on your ad, hence pay-per-click. This is good for you because you only pay for traffic that actually goes to your site and its good for them because they make some money.

Let me give you an example of how this works with Google. If you go to Google’s website and you type in laser hair removal London, UK you will get a Google webpage that looks like this:


At the top there is a company called “Colaz.” Colaz is one of our clients who is running Pay-Per Click ads for the key phrase laser hair removal London, UK. You can see that this client is also ranking for organic listing in general organic and geographical organic as well. The latter two listings would be achieved through SEO while the top listing would be achieved with PPC. So obviously Colaz has a VERY STRONG online presence; they have 3 listings on the first page for a major key phrase! Obviously this Colaz website will generate oodles of leads because anytime anyone searches for “laser hair removal” in the London area they are going to see a results page with Colaz listed three to four times!!!


High organic rankings (represented by the blue and green lines in the image above) require time to achieve; However, you could have your website showing up in the paid section by this afternoon . . . or tomorrow morning if its already quitting time today.



  1. Create an Adwords account.
  2. Allocate a budget, select the “key phrases” you want to target. For  example if you are cosmetic company, which in the above case my client is, they are interested in the phrase, “laser hair removal London, UK”.
  3. Set parameters, how much you are willing to pay for each click and then set limits.
  4. Start your campaign and analyze your results.



The main pro is speed. You could have your ads running in just a few hours. The con is that you pay for each click, which means, if your key phrases are not relevant to your offer you can loose a lot of money fast. Also, if your website isn’t an effective sales machine, you will likely waste your advertising money because your sending paid traffic to a broken, dysfunctional website: this will result in a wasted advertising budget and zero sales. Also, Google tracks your bounce ratio, (how many people hit the back arrow) and if you send google’s visitors to shoddy, amateurish site, google will quickly black list you from advertising or up your click cost. Remember google is interested in helping people find what they are looking for, so you want to make sure that your ads and your target words are relevant. If you do PPC wrong, you could permanently destroy your online reputation.

Because of these things, I strongly  recommend hiring a company to help manage your PPC. With that said, I am still going to give you a step by step procedure for doing Google PPC by yourself. 



  1. Develop a list of possible key phrases that you are interested in targeting.
  2. Select key phrases. (Identify which phrases on your list are being searched for and which ones have the the lowest competition. Then identify 3-5 keys phrases to target first.)
  3. Create a Google Adwords account.
  4. Install an analytics package on your website. (Must track all of the essential Success Metrics)
  5. Set a monthly and daily budget.
  6. Run between $100-$400 of traffic to your website.
  7. Use the analytics data to monitor and track results.
  8. Identify holes in your website’s sales system and FIX THEM.
  9. Run another $100-$400 dollars of traffic to the site.
  10. Continue repeating steps 8-9 while slowly increasing the budget as ROI increases.


Now there is obviously a lot more to managing a PPC campaign but we are limited on space on this page.  Here is a shameless plug.  If you would like help, SNAP can manage your PPC for you.  It doesn’t cost that much and the benefits are far greater than the investment. 



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Google Adwords Account Setup Green-Check-Mark Green-Check-Mark
Budget Allocation and Management Green-Check-Mark Green-Check-Mark
Keyword Research Green-Check-Mark Green-Check-Mark
Success Metrics Tracking Green-Check-Mark Green-Check-Mark
Ongoing PI Reports (Proposed Improvements)
Green-Check-Mark Green-Check-Mark
Price $40 10%*